系統解剖学分野・准教授 倉岡 晃夫

1月12日 生協ホールでの歓迎会にて
After visiting Kyushu university
Han Dong-woo(3年生)

Paik Ji-yeon(3年生)
Actually I was really impressed about Japanese students' attitude toward medicine especially anatomy class. Even though dissection itself was not on their score, they fully concentrated on what they are doing and they did not even mind spending their lunch time for insufficient dissection. Because of their passion, I can easily adapt to this anatomy class and become a friend of them by participating actively on this class. Also, I envied Japanese students' life style. Comparing with Korean curriculum, Japanese one is not that tight. So many students in Kyushu University are really active on club activities and having at least more than one part time job. I think this difference can make Japanese students think more diversely and creatively. They are actually really good at keeping their balance between their college work and leisure time.
Lastly I want to express all my gratitude to professor Kuraoka and my group members Nao, Eri, Senri and Nori. It was truly unforgettable days of my life.
Chung Kyu-chul(3年生)

I want to say thank you to all my friends in Fukuoka. Thank you.
Kim In-soo(3年生)
First of all, I would like to give my gratitude to all the professors and students of Kyushu University who whole heartedly welcomed and helped us during my stay in Japan.
At first, I was worried that I would not be able to make any friends because Japanese students and I do not share any common background like language or culture. But they were very kind and eager to know me and Korean culture, so we could easily become friends. I was surprised to find out that I could become so close to someone just in 2 weeks.
Professors also were very nice. Even though we were just visitors, they treated us sincerely as if we really were their students. And their lectures were a little different from those of Korean professors, which helped me to see matters in different point of view.
Two weeks in Kyushu was such an unforgettable time and I hope to get back to Kyushu University one day.
Shin Dong-min(3年生)

Hong Chi-woon(4年生)
I think it's too short that I wanted longer, but so happy time to have 2 weeks at Kyushu Medical University. At first I hope to greet Dr. Kuraoka and my Japanese friends about their kindness and hospitality for 2 weeks. In this year, actually I go to Paik hospital for 1 year and have a chance to learn not only by book but also with real experience by practical medicine student training program that 5 grade student should be in here Korea. Before training, I want to remind and rememory my time ever gone in my Korean university, In-je. And I saw, did, felt many things, happening, person in Kyushu and that so help me about being ready and thinking how I have to do to be a doctor or a person in near future. It means that I have farther vision as a medical student. Also so happy to experience the exotic life in Fukuoka with delicious food like sushi, nabe, u-don, Suntory and Asahi, some much Sake and with beautiful and nice scene of city like Yahoo dome, Canal city, Fukuoka tower, and so on. I so surprised and got impressed that Japanese classmate study so hard and great with pure enthusiasm about learning. I think I have more time and effort for being a doctor by time I have in Kyushu. Really thanks about making me awakening! I want many Japanese friends coming to Korea, Busan, and my university and having a chance to experience time in Korea with good feeling and so much fun as I do in Kyushu.
Kim Soo-bin(4年生)
For 2 weeks, I was really happy and comfortable like my home. I felt it was too short for me to do something what I wanted to do more. But all I experienced was really interesting so I cannot forget every time. And I was so impressed because Japanese students were so kind and did themselves best on anatomy class. I want to say thank everyone.
Koo Se-eun(4年生)
Participating in Kyushu University exchange student program is one of the good things I‘ve ever done in my college life. It gave me an opportunity to have farther vision as a medical student, get to stay long enough in Fukuoka to experience the exotic life in a beautiful city, meet with great and generous professors and warm hearted friends. Participating the anatomy practice class was very meaningful to me. The program was very student friendly and educational. I was mostly surprised by the enthusiasm and hard working of the Japanese classmates. The hospital and medical college was cozy and practically arranged. Lastly, I would like to thank all the Kyushu medical college staffs and professors who gave us a warm welcome and time. Especially thanks to professor Kuraoka, who arranged and took care of everything while we were staying in Japan.
Seo Yong-min(4年生)
The two weeks have gone really quickly. It was my super-pleasure to live 2 weeks' Fukuoka life. I feel very happy. It is always worthwhile to have a good experience. I felt interest in comparing Kyushu medical college's education system and curriculum with ours. It was good for me to see foreign medical education, but above all, I think making new friends and making memories with them are valuable. They and I are precious relations which brighten our future each other. Good luck for all of us. Tajimi, Mune, Daijo, Yoko, Yuka and Kenta. I love you and thank you so much. Finally I wanna give appreciative words to Prof. Kuraoka and Kyushu University. And... anytime, Yo! koso Korea!
Choi Sung-won(4年生)
At first I have to say that I was very lucky to have an opportunity like this. I had a great experience in Kyushu medical university. I could make many good friends and I could experience a lot of Japan culture. Japanese students were very kind and active, so we could easily be fit in them. Professor Kuraoka was also kind and generous. He introduced how to be a part of Kyushu medical school students. We were surprised that Kyushu University hospital is very huge and clean. I heard Kyushu University hospital is one of the greatest Hospitals in Japan, and I could agree with that. Thank you for inviting us, and giving us great experience that we will never forget.
思っていた以上に考え方や生活、習慣などが日本と共通していたことに驚きました。そして一緒に学ぶことで、本音で付き合うことができる人間関係を築くことができたのは、すばらしい経験となりました。彼らを受け入れたことで今回の実習がさらに実り多いものとなりました。(K. F.)
韓国と日本の教育制度や文化の違い、彼らの医学に対する考え方など、話す中でたくさんの新たな発見がありました。少しばかり自身の英語の勉強にもなりました。(Y. M.)
きちんとコミュニケーションをとれるかどうか、不安はありましたが、実際接してみると気さくな人ばかりで、すぐに友達になることができました。このような貴重な交流の場を提供していただき、ありがとうございました。(H. H.)
彼らの解剖の知識、言語能力、学習に対するモチベーションの高さには驚かされ、自分ももっと頑張らなくてはと、たいへん刺激を受けました。(K. N.)
受験英語はよくできたものの、英会話となると恥ずかしく、最初は隅っこでニコニコしているだけだった。しかし文法を気にせずとも案外意思疎通ができ、「何だ、こんなもんか」と楽になった。(S. K.)